Student Self-Government
Recruitment in progress!
The Student Self-Government of the Warsaw University of Business is a body representing the student community in the process of the University operations. The role of the Student Self-Government is defined by the Statute of the Warsaw University of Business and the Act 2.0. The main task of the Student Self-Government is, apart from representing the interests of the students, to give opinions on the development plans of the University, to participate in the Senate of the University and to co-decide on the distribution of funds from the subvention of the Ministry of Education and Science.
We invite students to take an active part in the operations of the Student Self-Government. Apart from gaining experience in student organisation, it allows you to gain additional points which are important in the process of awarding the Rector’s Scholarship.

The tutor of the Student Self-Government of the Warsaw University of Business is Prof. Bartosz Głowacki, PhD, the Dean.
Contact the Student Self-Government of the WWSB University at: