Cooperation with business and NGOs
Recruitment in progress!
For many years now the Warsaw University of Business has been establishing cooperation with a broadly defined social and economic environment. The aim of the University’s cooperation with external stakeholders is to update the curricula and the teaching facilities and make them even more attractive as well as to improve the quality of education, making it possible to jointly determine the current demand and forecast the future demand for specialists with specific knowledge, skills and competences on the dynamically changing labour market.

Within the framework of business partnerships, students choose placement and internship locations, establishing the form of placement or internship appropriate for the specificity of the organisation, gaining professional experience, supporting the company or institution in the implementation of current tasks, gaining contact with potential employers. The fruit of cooperation with market partners is the creation of a system in which highly-qualified employees are trained, who meet the specific needs of an organization, knowing its specificity thanks to taking up challenges already at the stage of student placements and internships, which increases the chances of graduates of the Warsaw University of Business to take up employment in accordance with the field of study and current labour market demand.
Cooperation with the social and economic environment is coordinated by the Career Office of the Warsaw University of Business. Contact the Career Office at: